What you’ll learn in my Writing for Alignment program.

Your strategy isn’t landing as successfully as you’d hoped?
You might be communicating for the eye—not the ear.
If so, you’re not alone. Some of us are wired to write for the screen (or page) more than in-person situations. The secret is knowing how and when to change your style to grab and hold attention.
Two things you may wish to consider when you’re presenting to people:
1.    Chop up your content.
People can’t go back and re-read what you’ve said if they don’t understand you. So what might work well as a long sentence on-screen could be easier to digest as two shorter sentences aloud.
2.    Pause for important points.
Silence is the equivalent of white space around your words. People notice when you’re not talking—and it gives more weight to what you DO say. For maximum impact, pause sparingly.

This is a taste of what you and your team can learn from my Writing for Alignment training program.

In this live or virtual course, we explore how to write so your words captivate people, motivate action, and tell a cohesive story—no matter your goal, audience, or channel.

If you’d like to learn more, or to schedule a complimentary masterclass with me and experience a little of what you’ll take away from the full program, please connect with us.


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